Faith Formation

Faith Formation begins at home and strengthens through attendances as Mass and other parish celebrations, that is why parent involvement, participation, cooperation and support are extremely important in the spiritual life of a child. Faith Formation is for all ages, not just for children, teenagers and young adults, but also for adults. Thus, your continued formation, along your children and grandchildren, is important.
The faith formation programs for children at the partner parishes of St. Ambrose, St. Matthew and St. Sylvester allow them to develop their faith through the witness of adults. They provide a comprehensive and systematic program of instruction and formation in the different dimensions of the Christian faith.
The goal of faith formation programs in our parishes and schools is twofold:
- To introduce children to the person of Jesus Christ and present his teachings, ministry and major events of his life.
- To assist children in learning the parables, formal prayers, sacred Scripture and meaning of the sacraments.
Online Registration Form-
Jessica Clawson, Faith Formation Coordinator