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Pierogie makers at work!
Pierogie makers at work!

Altar Rosary Society
The primary purpose of the Rosary Altar Society is to praise and honor the Blessed Virgin Mary and to secure her patronage by the recitation of the Rosary for the mutual spiritual benefit of all the members through the world. The women in this ministry support the liturgical actions of the Church through actions and fund raising activities.

Altar Server
Altar servers assist at liturgy in various ways. Servers may be any parishioner (male or female) age 10 and up. Ministers must be Catholics in good standing.

Building and Grounds
This ministry is to aid the pastor in the temporal care of the parish. In addition to identifying needs, these ministers will offer their talents to assist in minor repairs and maintenance projects.


  1. St. Sylvester
    1. Roast beef dinner / Fall Tea
  2. St. Ambrose
    1. Peach Festival / Turkey Dinner /
    2. Funeral Luncheon
    3. Spaghetti Booth – community festival
  3. St. Matthew
    1. Make pierogies​ / Lent fish dinner /
    2. Funeral luncheon / Canal Days food

Help prepare and serve dinners as an outreach to our communities. Can’t cook? Then maybe you can help wash dishes, serve, set up tables, clean off tables, carry trash, or sweep the floor.

Environment – Decoration / Garden
Ministers will help decorate the church for liturgies. They will also help with bulletin boards and other displays as needed. They will also water flowers and may assist with flower beds and shrubs as time allows.

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion / Homebound
Minsters assist with the distribution of the Eucharist and/or take the Eucharist to the homebound. Preparation and training are required. Ministers must be Catholics in good standing.

Faith Formation
Faith formation covers several different areas. Teaching the faith to our children, youth ministry, adult faith formation, Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW), preparing couples for marriage or the RCIA. Pick your preference to share your faith with others. Training is required.

Finance Council
Members of this council are approved by the pastor to assist in the decision making process of the temporal needs of the parish. Ministers must be Catholics in good standing.

Food Pantry
Help us feed the poor and needy. Organize donated food for distribution, assist with carrying food to cars, help set up, and clean up afterwards. Food is distributed the last Wednesday of each month.

Funeral Ministry
Help is needed to assist at funeral liturgies in a variety of ways; altar servers, choir members, and readers / lectors. Pick the area you wish to join to assist our parish community as we pray for the faithful departed.

A ministry to help set up, serve, and clean up refreshments for special parish gatherings. Don’t have time to do that? Then consider signing up to help make cookies or other snacks for the gathering.

Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is an organization of Catholic men at least 18 years old who, through Charity, assist those less fortunate and in need within our parishes and local communities.​

Money Counter
Money counters are needed to count and record the collection each week. To assure integrity, two or more members who are not related are required to count the collection. Preparation and training are required.

Choir members, cantors, and musicians who work together in harmony to give glory and praise to our God. Music ministers are expected to spend time in preparation and rehearsal.

Parish Pastoral Advisory Council
This council is to offer advice to the pastor on matters regarding the mission of the partner parishes. Ministers must be Catholics in good standing.

We pray for one another. When someone calls the parish requesting prayer, a call will be made to someone in this ministry. The minister will be given the name and address of the person needing prayer. In addition to praying for the person, the minister will also mail a brief note to the person to let him or her know that prayers are being offered. You can do this from home at your convenience.

Prayer Shawl
As we pray for the seriously ill we make a shawl (or similarly knitted or crocheted item) full of our prayers. Then we send the shawl to the person who can wrap themselves up in the comfort of warmth and prayer.

Reader / Lector
Readers / lectors proclaim the Word of God during the Liturgy of the Word. Preparation and training are required. Ministers must be Catholics in good standing.

St. Vincent de Paul Society
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Catholic lay organization that helps those in need or those living in poverty.  We grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to people in need.  Because we see “the face of Christ” in those we serve as Jesus taught us when he said, “whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters you do to me.”

Usher / Greeter
Ushers / greeters are to assist individuals entering the church. Holding doors open, greeting others with a smile and kind word, and offering to escort them to a seat. The ushers / greeters will also assist with the collection and presentation of the gifts.​

Wake Ministry
Minsters represent the parish to mourners by leading the vigil prayers at the funeral home. Preparation and training are required.